Support Our Work in the community

Amongst historic buildings and academic excellence sit pockets of extreme disadvantage and increasing deprivation, especially during these unprecedented and most challenging of times. Oxford holds city wards which are amongst the top 20% and bottom 20% of deprivation across the UK and our three local wards have child poverty rates over 40%.

Oxford is also the third most ethnically diverse city in South East England with a similarly diverse religious culture. Our work is to and engage with those who are facing difficulties and hardship, foster inclusion, unite disparate communities and to reflect and celebrate Oxford’s thriving multiculturalism.

By supporting us you will help us to work year-round work in reaching the areas of the city which are the least often reached and those who face the most barriers to accessing the many opportunities which our wonderful city has to offer.

Your support will help us to work with people in areas of economic deprivation, with SEN schools, children with learning disabilities, young people in the care system, and to build skills and confidence through inclusive training and skills development in our arts projects.  In East Oxford one in five people have a disability and your support will help us to continue and broaden our disability arts skills and leadership training at a time when it is needed more than ever before.

Carnival Day is the catalyst for much of this work, and the pinnacle of achievement for many of our projects.

This work has a significant cost, and as a small charity we can only do this work with support from individuals, grant funds, sponsorship and donations. A massive thank you to all of our supporters and partners who are essential to the delivery of our work.