Street Art
August 4th 2024 CRC Fundraiser event at the BrewDog with MES CREW & Master rhythm studios
Brilliant live Graff by Mes Crew ( Must One & SEVEN) outside the Brewdog on Cowley Road. The excellent Master Rythmn Studios provided live music inside all day. The prefect creative fusion. Incredible artwork.

Photos credit: Ian Hanham
Live Graff at the July 7th 2024 fundraiser event at James Street Tavern with MES CREW

Firefly studios
CRC fundraising event at James street tavern on July 7th in association with Inspired sounds and Inner Peace Records ( other venues include the Bullingdon, Black Swan etc)
live Graff created by Mes Crew
MES Crew are an Oxford-based collective of graff writers, artists, designers and musicians. Working with councils, youth and community
groups throughout Oxfordshire, they open up public spaces for use by
artists and creatives. Central to this is the Open Walls Network – a network of tunnels and walls around Oxford that have become proxy studios and exhibition spaces for the city’s urban artists. MES’ creative diversity and eclectic nature set their work apart, but is also what unites them collectively – Mad Eclectic Styles.
Cowley Road Street Art
Thanks to the Arts Council and Oxford City Council, CRW has delivered many excellent cultural street art partnership projects.
The latest addition, over the summer of 2020 are two pieces by Mani, celebrating our theme of ‘Mother Earth’ and the natural world.
Previously, street art has been commissioned including a piece celebrating Oxford, featuring the iconic Morris Traveller and Carnival, also by Mani, at Leopold street.
Click on the film link to see a massive 30-foot high mural being completed live by the Oxford Street Art Collective on the wall at Moberly Close
We teamed up with local schools and took them to the Harwell Campus where they were inspired by the European Space Agency and other campus partners to create artwork and structures around our 2018 theme of technology and industry.

Stockmore Sttreet art by Mani photogaraph by Sarah Airey
At the instigation of Horns of Plenty, Andrew ‘Mani’ Manson created a mural at Stockmore Street, to celebrate the musicans’ 10-year anniversary and connection with Cowley Road Carnival.
Mani creating his latest mural featuring the great David Attenborough, in celebration of our theme of Mother Earth.
The making of the mural – Oxford Street Art Collective in Action. See the finished art work at Moberly Close just off the Cowley Road.

Oxford Street Art Collective working with East Oxford Primary School
Celebrating Oxford’s role in the sciences for Carnival 2017