- The Team
Cowley Road Works is made up of a board of volunteer trustees, an Executive Director, a number of volunteer advisers and a small but dedicated freelance staff team who work part time to cover all aspects of organising the event. If you would like to find out about joining the team please see vacancies, join or team of volunteers or email admin@cowleyroadworks.org
Press Officer and Communications
Felix Joyce
Trader Manager
Email us if you need more information about applying to be a stall holder at Carnival.
Heather Dunmore
Heather was a founder member of the team involved in setting up Oxfringe (Oxford’s Fringe Festival), becoming Festival Director in 2011. Alongside her role at Cowley Road Carnival she is a published playwright.
Volunteers are vital to our team. We have all sorts of roles available to work with us throughout the year – from helping with our accounts and book-keeping to photograhy, social media and marketing to stewarding on Carnival Day itself.
If you would like to join our team of volunteers please email volunteers@cowleyroadeorks.org
We rely on the enthusiastic support of our Board of Volunteer Trustees.
We currently have vacancies to join the Board. So if you have an interest in the Arts and Culture, or feel you have experience and knowledge to offer, please contact us at admin@cowleyroadworks.org